Option to disable Google Pay / Apple Pay
under review
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Matt Connelly
under review
Cristina Moon
We saw a huge dropoff in donations the first (and only) time we used a GiveLively campaign page for a general donate ask for this reason. Got lots of comments about it afterwards and some people even went out of their ways to go to our regular donate page from the navbar in the website to give because they didn't want to use the GPay.
Terry Nagel
I wholeheartedly agree that the Google Pay and Apple Pay options on donation pages and in widgets is very confusing to people. The print is so tiny on the "or pay by a different payment method" that they often fail to see it. I have heard from several people that they gave up on donating because they couldn't figure out how.
Hannah Holman
Can I upvote this 20 more times? This is a very confusing thing for donors. Please just let them decide how they would like to pay in a very clear way without digital wallets as default.
Stacie Marlowe
I completely agree- I get calls once a week (minimum) from those that cannot figure out how to pay because they see "Donate with G Pay" instead of "Continue.
It's gotten so pervasive we are looking for another processor if this continues.
I'm fine with people paying with this option! Just make the default button say "Continue" or "Donate Now" Please.
Richard Horgan
Stacie Marlowe: Give Lively Admin Let's get this fixed already. Over a year people have been waiting. Fix your product.