Sweeten "cover-the-donation-fee" language
Nicole Alter
A Holy Apostles donor shared that the current language asking donors if they would like to cover the fee is guilt-inducing. Current language: "Add $0.22 to cover payment processing fees. Otherwise, we'll only get $27.78 of your $28 donation."
This is Holy Apostles' suggested copy "Add $0.22 to cover payment processing fees and ensure 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit."
Matt Connelly
We are excited to let you know that your suggestion has been implemented on our Gen 2 Payment form!
Thank you again for collaborating directly with us to build better fundraising tech.
Clair Lofthouse
Good news! After reviewing all requests, your suggestion has been added to our next roadmap. We do our best to stick to our predictions, but we receive a lot of requests, so there may be unforeseen delays. In the meantime, happy fundraising! You’ll receive email updates about the status of your post. We encourage you to return and vote on others to show your support of additional suggestions. To stay up to date on completed fixes and improvements, as well as new functionality, see our Changelog at https://givelively.canny.io/admin/changelog.
Karen Dennis
Love the suggestion by Holy Apostles "Add xxxx to cover payment processing fees and ensure 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit." Did you change this for everyone?
Matt Connelly
in progress
Sarah Dietz
Yes! Please make this an option, not a requirement. At the very least, allow organizations to customize their own language.
Debbie Pullen
Agree with all these suggestions. It is unlikely a non-profit would choose to use the language used by Givelively. "Add $0.22 to cover payment processing fees. Otherwise, we'll only get $27.78 of your $28 donation."
Matt Marjanovic
And, please, an option to disable/remove the "cover-the-donation" nag altogether.
Nicole Alter
Merged in a post:
Credit Card processing fee language
Tammy Waddell
I want to make sure that people can donate the cc fees, yet do not like the 2nd sentence that states "we only get..." Feels passive aggressive. Remove the word "only" would be better or the second sentence altogether.
Elaine Griswold
Yes. This needs to be changed. Or, better yet org should be able to edit.
Elaine Griswold
I agree. We would never write it that way on our own donation page.
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