Event Donation Language
under review
Jason Leming
Most ticketed events are not donations, and aren't tax deductible. When you check out, it explicitly calls the payment a donation. We can't sell tickets to an event, and call their payment a donation, because it isn't and isn't tax deductible. Please allow us to remove that language from the page and checkout asap.
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Julia Dunn
I see that this issue was marked for review over a year ago, hopefully it gets addressed soon. I think that a solution would be the creation of a new object in Salesforce called "Event Ticket" so that we can track who has purchased tickets to attend events separately from donations because as the OP mentioned, they are not legally considered donations and can cause issues especially if a large number of people purchase tickets. This information is still really important to track the relationship with the donor, so having a way to capture it in Salesforce is crucial.
Eventually, having a GiveLively Event Management app on the App Exchange would be useful, similar to the Volunteer or Program Management ones.
Becca Davis
Agreed - this is a major problem. The button shouldn't say "Donate" for events when it's possible that none of the cost of the ticket is tax deductible.
Alan Melchior
This thread has been going on for some time (apparently back to 2020). Payments for ticketed events may or may not be fully tax deductible, but the current default language says the full payment is deductible. Users either need to be able to chose from several receipt language options, or to be able to edit the receipt language itself. As Dan Hotchkiss noted back in April, the current language is seriously misleading to donors.
I'll also note that I object to being forced to sign up for yet another online service in order to provide feedback to Give Lively. Why can't you make that process more transparent/automatic for Give Lively account holders?
This is a serious matter and has been raised on this platform since 2020. GiveLively is serious about gift campaigns and treats events as an afterthought. The option to designate a portion of an event ticket price as a deductible gift is buried deep and defaults to designating the whole price as deductible. In many cases, probably most, this amounts to tax fraud. It should be fixed before it gets someone into trouble.

Matt Connelly
under review
Rue Parkin
Part of a ticket to an event or service can be tax-deductable. The portion over the event net cost is tax-decutable. There should be an option to put in the tax-deductable portion of the ticket purchase.
Zackari Santoro
Rue Parkin I've been able to put in the tax deductible amount of the ticket price for the events I've set up on GiveLively over the last few years (price less FMV), are you saying the receipts don't show both amounts (total purchase price and deductible amount) or that you aren't able to input the deductible amount on the form?
Rick Colella
I've had this issue for a few years now and brought it up before but it's not been changed or made changeable. I agree it should be changed or at least editable by the organization. If it can't be made editable, change it to something more generic like "...partnered with Give Lively to securely process your payment...."

Clair Lofthouse
Thanks for your suggestion! A little about how we’ll use your input: we use Canny to help plan for the year ahead and our team engages in discussion threads as we seek feedback for prioritized items. We’ll update this post to let you know whether we plan to incorporate your request into our next roadmap. We receive a lot of requests, so even the greatest ideas might not get implemented right away. Thank you for your patience! To anyone else who reads this, please vote on this request if you would like it to be prioritized. The person who posted and anyone who comments or votes on this post will receive email updates about the status of your post. We encourage you to return and vote on others to show your support of additional suggestions. To stay up to date on completed fixes and improvements, as well as new functionality, see our Changelog at https://givelively.canny.io/admin/changelog.
Kermit Poling
Agree - should default to some sort of ticketing language for events.
Roger Coover
Totally agree
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