Open API or Zapier Integration
Jacki Weber
I'm trying to make it easier to sync our donations into one of our donor databases. (In our case it's Bloomerang or NationBuilder).
I understand there are a few different ways to make things easier. Of course, I could be totally wrong.
1) Build a Zapier App
2) Release a public API that would allow anyone to integrate with them
3) Create a custom integration
Jonathan Lin
Our Zapier integration is now in open beta, and all are welcome to begin testing and using it to link Give Lively data with the many other services supported by Zapier.
For more information, please see our helpful guide here:
And Zapier's listing page here:
Jonathan Lin
Thank you everyone for your feedback on this request! We are in the process of building our Zapier integration, and will soon be looking for organizations who would be interested in obtaining early access and providing feedback. If you would like to try out the integration before the public release, please shoot me an email to be added to the list: jonathan.lin[at]
Jonathan Lin
in progress
Jonathan Lin
under review
Sergio Pena
There are other integrations that are cheaper than Zapier, such as Pabbly, Integrate, Konnectzit, etc. While that may require more work to get all those integrations, I think it would be much more beneficial for all to have an OPEN API instead, that way any integrator can have the endpoints and not have to create more work for you.
I vote for OPEN API over all the others.
Jhon Mejia
Yes please. If you could help us having a Zapier Integration. Looking forward to get some updates about it!
Carol Yates
Open API would be fantastic! Even if it were only to query current campaign donation totals for a roll-your-own progress bar, it would be useful.
Kate Brunner Quinn
Having a Zapier integration would be HUGE for GiveLively. Non-profits, especially small ones who utilize this service a lot, would really benefit from this. The ability to integrate all of our other platform with the goodness that is GL would be a game changer. This would sold most integration issues that folks have and ask for on here. Pretty please? With a cherry on top?
Eliza Woolley
Yes, this would be great! We're looking at shifting from Salesforce to Bloomerang and I really wish there were a Zapier app.
Spencer Smith
Hello all. I can develop a custom GiveLively integration for Boomerang or any other CRM with an API interface. You can email me at
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