Doron Hovav
GL already has the card option as the first option. The thing is that this does not apply to campaigns with additional questions or required address. Our accounting team needs the State, so we require the address. I hope GL can implement the same logic and design they provide for campaigns without required additional fields to the other ones. It seems the technology is already in place.
And they speak for us, saying that WE prefer ACH because we receive more of the funds, but we do not prefer it because users find it harder to use and do not know the third party that processes the ACH. And they reportedly just give up on donating.
Hillary Austin
Nonprofit Batavia United Way request this feature today, as it caused issues on the back end in Stripe when a donor paid through ACH on Give Lively but they had already turned the ACH setting off via Stripe's settings.
Clair Lofthouse
Update: The 'Card' option is now the top option on the form. We'll keep the status of this request as "In Progress" as we hope to soon offer even more control over choosing the payment methods that are displayed.
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Doron Hovav
Clair Lofthouse, nope. Still not the top option for campaigns with required addresses.
Clair Lofthouse
Good news! After reviewing all requests, your suggestion has been added to our next roadmap. We do our best to stick to our predictions, but we receive a lot of requests, so there may be unforeseen delays. In the meantime, happy fundraising! You’ll receive email updates about the status of your post. We encourage you to return and vote on others to show your support of additional suggestions. To stay up to date on completed fixes and improvements, as well as new functionality, see our Changelog at https://givelively.canny.io/admin/changelog.
Matt Connelly
in progress
This request is being tackled through our work on a second-generation payment form, which we're in the process of rolling out. The 'Card' option will be the top option on the form. We hope to soon offer even more control over the payment methods that are displayed. More news on the form here:
Tony Jordan
Adding my vote for this. Issue with plaid notwithstanding, which are valid in their own right, the delay of processing for ACH makes it difficult for us to onboard donors/members since salesforce integrations don’t start until the money is posted.
Debbie Pullen
AGREED. In our recent campaign, I was notified of lost donations due to the language and process of ACH. I am considering other software since this is creating a negative impression of our online fundraising. For our organization, this is NOT the "suggested method" as written on the campaign page. Please resolve ASAP! Thank you.
Jedidiah Chavez
Hello, I love GiveLively but the ACH option will be a barrier to your YE giving. Unfortunately if this isn't resolved, we will need to move to another software. It is confusing for donors, buggy, and the language presented is problematic.
Credit card should be the first option. Also, need option to turn off ACH as an option if it continues to be buggy and frustrating for users.
Daniele Levine
Just wanting to echo what many other have written... we're fairly new to Give Lively and have gotten feedback from donors who are not comfortable using another third party processor and providing bank log in information. I've had a few folks come to me confused and uneasy.
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