We have started slowly rolling out our new donation payment form.
Give Lively now supports two generations of payment forms: a first-generation form, which most member nonprofits are still using, and a new second-generation form. Nonprofits will see a New Payment Form
announcement in the Nonprofit Admin Portal as soon as the second-generation form can be applied to any of their fundraising pages; at the moment it is only available on Core Profiles fundraising pages. Learn about Give Lively’s two generations of payment forms. 
About the second-generation payment form:
It was built to work with Give Lively's upgraded system, which has been in development since 2021. The form looks a little different and works a little faster, but, most importantly, allows for improved flexibility that takes into account numerous nonprofit feature requests. Many of these features will take effect as soon as the form is available to a nonprofit, while other features will be turned on after further testing in the coming months. The second-generation form anticipates other changes to come in the fast-paced worlds of technology and social good, helping Give Lively to stay ahead of expectations. Who sees which form?
A nonprofit’s choice of features determines which form appears. Both generations of form serve equally well and there is no reason a nonprofit should favor one payment form over another. That said, over time the second-generation form will become the standard for all Give Lively-powered fundraising pages.Related news:
The launch of Give Lively’s upgraded system and second-generation payment form also made possible a couple of other recently announced feature updates: