Links to virtual events can be made private.
When we first launched built-in virtual/livestreamed event links to online events, the links automatically appeared on public-facing Event Ticketing pages for all to see. You can now choose whether to keep this public or, instead, make it private only for donors and ticket purchasers. In the latter case, the virtual/livestreamed event link will be shared in the receipt email automatically sent to donors and ticket purchasers. Learn how to set the visibility of your virtual/livestreamed event link — see item number 4(2).
To help with organization, new
tabs have been added to several index pages in the Nonprofit Admin Portal
, each of them showing paginated lists as follows:
  • On the Campaign index page, the tabs contain current and past campaigns, respectively.
  • On the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Pages index page, the tabs are for fundraiser pages associated with current and past campaigns, respectively. (P2P Fundraising Pages appear under the
    tab when the Campaign Page with which they are associated is closed.)
  • On the Events index page, the tabs show current and past campaigns, respectively.
A search tool has been added to (both tabs on) the Events index page in the Nonprofit Admin Portal.
This adds to search tools already in place on all tabs of the Campaigns, P2P Pages and Teams index pages. On the Events index page, search results will return any event
in a tab
that includes the desired term, whether it is all or part of a word or phrase. Thus a search for
will reveal events like
Bob's lesson
Bobby's call to action
Kebob time
Optimizations to our Event Ticketing pages have increased operational speeds.
Event Ticketing pages display more quickly and shareable CSVs of event data load more quickly. Learn how to build an Event Ticketing page and how to use the “Shareable CSV” feature.
A fix has unblocked fundraisers looking to set up Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages.
For nonprofits that have enabled Team Fundraising, some prospective fundraisers had been unable to set up their own fundraising pages without first creating or joining a team. That is no longer the case. Learn how to set up and use Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and set up Team Fundraising.