My organization is running a fundraiser with different tiers. Each tier has a certain amount of free give-away materials that we have to acquire. When I download the CSV, the rows are arranged by purchaser -- meaning that if someone buys 4 tickets for the Black Bear Tier, there's only 1 row. That seems fine, until I start trying to create a table of totals -- I can easily do a =COUNTIF function to search for the times that "Black Bear Tier" is listed, but that's not the actual number of tickets sold. In order to calculate those numbers I have to create a script, and I'm not a coder, nor is anyone in our organization, and its really beyond me. So having the option to have the .CSV file created where there is one row for each ticket sold would be ideal -- something like a ticket oriented .csv vs a purchase oriented csv. Same information, just a different way of generating it that could save folks like me alot of headache...