notifications for donations
under review
Hillary Austin
Requested by NPO via email today:
"Is there a way in Give Lively that I can get an email notification when a new donation has been made to our club?
I was poking around trying to self-serve, but came up empty."
Wesley Davis
Strong upvote for this feature addition. We have Stripe notifications set up, but those only appear once the funds are transferred, and that can be days after someone donates. Especially as GL adds other payment processor options (PayPal, etc), we would love to get emails directly from GiveLively at time of submission!
User Story:
- As a GiveLively admin responsible for thanking my org's donors
- I would love to receive automated notifications directly from GiveLively whenever someone submits a donation form
- So that I can thank our donors as early & often as possible!
Acceptance criteria:
- Great: auto-notification email from GiveLively to all org admins when a donation form gets submitted
- Ideal: option to specify admins to receive this notification, or even input a non-admin email address to receive these notifications (so we could use our info@ email)
Olivia Gulin
Merged in a post:
Request email notification when donations made.
Lori Hrbek
In order to properly acknowledge and connect with our donors, a detailed email notification for all donations would be very helpful. It could be a daily report as needed, only when there are active donations. The current method of only being notified via stripe is not a practical method. While I check the GL portal regularly when we have an active campaign, donations that come in very sporadically well after that time frame are too easily missed. (As I just discovered during a review of last year.) Thank you
Valerie Costa
Yes! And notifications to different people depending on the page the donations comes in on. In other systems this was accomplished by setting up BCC email addresses on the donor receipt.
Jessie Nowak
Yes, agreed!
Sarah Dietz
Agreed! This should definitely be a feature ASAP.
Debbie Pullen
Agreed! I just missed two gifts that came in after our campaign ended.
Waritr Yaml
I'm not super optimistic seeing that this was posted 7/7/20. Why is this not a basic feature?
Ashley Charpentier
Please add this feature ASAP. Stripe notifications are okay, but if we need the information from the "Additional Questions" field, we still have to manually pull a report out of Give Lively which renders the Stripe report pretty ineffective. And it is difficult when we use multiple things for Stripe.
Jennifer Clessas
YES! I don't understand how this was not the first item created when the platform launched. It seems so basic and necessary.
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